New Programs Registering

Programs currently registering:

School-Year Youth Programs: Oyase Community School and Full Moon Girls

Our powerful intensive youth mentoring programs are now registering for the 2013-2014 school year. Visit the links below to learn more!

Oyase Community School, for youth ages 7-15, meets Thursdays in Dummerston, VT beginning October 3 (with orientation September 19). This long-term mentoring program in nature and wilderness living skills has been running since 1999. Led by Amy Hyatt and Bob Etzweiler, we adventure and learn traditional skills on a weekly basis. Click here for more information on Oyase Community School.

Full Moon Girls, for girls ages 9-16, meets Fridays in Montague, MA beginning October 11. This program is for girls who want to explore wild nature, track animals, make herbal remedies, build trusting friendships, and much more. Led by Dhyana Miller, Louisa Engle, and special guests. Click here for more information on Full Moon Girls.